I recently had my complete blood count (CBC) and iron labs rerun, and things are still looking really good!
Since the results, except for my ferritin results, were good last time, I was expecting for things to be the same or better. My CBC results were available on my patient portal within a day or two after I had my lab work done, and I was encouraged by those numbers. Most everything was normal. However, the days continued to pass, and I had not seen my iron lab results at all. All but the ferritin results finally made it onto the portal the day of my appointment with the doctor. I had no idea why my ferritin results were not available with the other results. Since my ferritin to this point had continued to remain low while the other numbers improved, I wondered if it still might be low, and the doctor wanted the result to be rechecked since everything else was normal. I was still wondering if having to be so careful to keep iron in balance with other nutrients in my diet was keeping much of the iron I consumed from going into storage, which would keep my ferritin low. I didn’t get to find out my ferritin result until the actual appointment. It had actually gone up into the normal range! It was only just above normal (16, with 15 being the cutoff for the low end of the range), but I was still happy and relieved. The doctor also seemed pleased. She asked if I was still using the Centrum multivitamin, and I told her I was. It definitely seems to be working where the Nature Made multivitamin and iron supplement had failed. I’m continuing to feel confident that my diet and supplement regimen are on the right track. I fully expect for things to continue to improve or level off unless something else happens to cause me to lose iron. The doctor won’t check my labs again until July. Hopefully things will get to the point where I may not have to go but once a year or even as needed!
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