I decided, in the case that I was unable to speak for myself, that I needed to be able to alert others to my food allergies, medical conditions, the medications and supplements I was taking, and other information. I use medical alert jewelry and information printed on cards that I keep with me at all times to alert others to this information.
I ordered my medical alert jewelry from Lauren’s Hope. You can order whatever jewelry you want and choose whatever text you want to include, as long as it fits within the requirements of t
he jewelry chosen. I ordered both a necklace and bracelet. I wanted both types of jewelry in case one type might be a hindrance in certain situations. In those cases, I would have the other available and could wear it instead. For example, when mowing the lawn, I would put my bracelet away and put on the necklace instead. The necklace could stay safely tucked underneath my clothing so it wouldn’t get caught or stuck on anything. I also wouldn’t have to worry about the bracelet possibly getting caught or stuck on anything. I decided to keep the text on my medical alert jewelry as general and generic as possible to keep from having to get new jewelry due to changes in medication, conditions, doctors, etc.
I keep a case (shown above) with me at all times that has all my medical cards in it. I have a card listing my information, the contact information for my doctors, the contact information for my emergency contacts, my allergies, my medical conditions, my medications, and the supplements I take. I made this card for free using the service at Hope Paige. The front and back of this card are pictured to the right. After printing, I put it inside a laminated sleeve with adhesive and then cut it to fit the card. I have cards listing my allergies and what ingredients to avoid in foods that will be served/fed to me. These cards are shown below, before the next paragraph. Because some of my food restrictions are pretty unusual, I made my own card listing which food ingredients I needed to avoid. I made this card using a word processing
program. I printed it and laminated it like I did my medical ID card. This card has come in very handy at restaurants. I can convey this information easily to the server, who can then give the card to the chef in the kitchen. They can, in turn, help me to pick out safe menu items or help me figure out how to modify a certain menu item so that it will be safe for me to eat. One card I got when I became a member of the Gluten Intolerance Group, and the other I bought at Cecelia’s Marketplace.
My allergies and medical conditions have not proven to be life-threatening at this point. However, this could easily change, especially in the case of the allergies. Also, even if they never become life-threatening, having the information on my person can be valuable to someone who doesn’t know about my allergies or medical conditions. He or she can pass along the information to medical personnel or others who have a need to know if I’m not able to speak for myself for some reason. Medical personnel can also refer to my medical alert jewelry and then to the case in my purse containing my medical information for quick access to information about my allergies, medical conditions, medications, etc.
You may want to consider getting medical alert jewelry and keeping information in a certain location so that others can find it and refer to it when needed, especially when you can’t speak for yourself. This way, there’s a better chance that others will know what they need to do to take care of you and to keep you from becoming exposed to your allergens or reactive foods.
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