One treat I enjoy is Reese’s miniatures. They can easily satisfy a sweet tooth for just a few calories. They also come in handy for another reason. When I have trouble swallowing, they can save the day.
I don’t remember when I first tried a Reese’s miniature to help out when I had trouble swallowing. It was probably when I was taking my supplements for the day. A pill probably got stuck in my throat, and no matter how much water I drank, I couldn’t get it to move. I think I finally just decided that I might have better luck with food rather than drink. I didn’t think something hard would help, so I tried to think of something soft, and I decided to reach for a Reese’s miniature. It did the trick. When I ate it, it pushed the pill that had gotten stuck on down. I was happy and relieved.
I now keep a bag of the miniatures at home and in the office to have not just for a snack but also for when I can’t swallow something. They have come in handy multiple times. One even helped a friend of mine swallow some food that he could not get down. Hopefully I’ll continue to be able to get those or something similar to help in those situations.
The situation where I’m talking about using a Reese’s miniature is when food gets stuck in your throat, and you just can’t swallow it. I’m not talking about the situation where food gets stuck in your wind pipe and you can’t breathe or speak. This situation would require the Heimlich maneuver or alternative that would remove the food from your wind pipe so that you can breathe and speak again. When food is just stuck in your throat, you’re able to speak and breathe. You just want to be able to complete swallowing the pill or food that is stuck. This is where you would consider eating a Reese’s miniature or similar food to help you swallow what is stuck.
Hopefully the Reese’s miniatures or similar alternative will be helpful for others who sometimes have difficulty swallowing food or pills. I’m very thankful to have found out about it myself, especially since Reese’s miniatures are a delicious treat!
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