In order to keep the menu more streamlined, I’ve created a page listing the categories used on this blog.

Autism Spectrum Disorder: The posts in this category detail my diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder as well as other related thoughts and happenings.
Copper Toxicity: This category gathers all my posts on copper toxicity, what it is and what I’ve had to do personally to combat the condition in my own life.
Cross-Contamination: The posts in this category pertain to the single most frustrating issue in my gluten-free (and wheat-free) life, cross-contamination. They detail the issue in general or specific instances with which I’ve had to deal.
Information: The posts in this category contain general information concerning myself personally or anything I may find out online or elsewhere.
Introductory: The posts in this category introduce my story and the site.
Musings: The posts in this category are for detailing my thoughts, feelings, questions, etc. about certain aspects of gluten-free living or other aspects of healthy living.
Other: The posts in this category don’t really fall into any other category, so they’ve been placed here.
Recipes: The posts in this category contain my favorite gluten-free (and other) recipes.
Tips: The posts in this category give helpful tips on making living gluten-free a little easier as well as tips to help with other aspects of healthy living.
Updates: The posts in this category are for all site and other types of updates.
Vitamins, Minerals, and Supplements: The posts in this category detail my issues with and usage of various vitamins, minerals, and supplements.